This past weekend I attended the virtual RootsTech event. There was so many different topics covered from beginner to advanced, from finding records to DNA. Below are some high points (in my opinion) from the three day program.

Understanding British and European Cemeteries – probably the best presentation I attended. The presenter covered the different aspects of cemeteries from faith, culture, practicality, and perception. Many slides showing fascinating ways country’s deal with the dead and cemeteries.

Five Google Hacks to Decipher German Documents – the tips can also apply to other research as well. The speaker talked about the following:

  • Add Category Clues to Tailor Your Search
  • Translate Websites to See Them in English
  • Use Quotes to Search the Remainder of a Phrase
  • Use wildcard features to fill in the Blanks
  • Use Google Maps to Decipher Town Names

Enjoying Italian Research Abroad – a wonderful presentation on where you will find records and what types of records you could find in the ancestral town of your Italian ancestor. Civil registration and church records before civil registration began. The presenter talked about preparing your research before going to Italy.

Other topics were various aspects of DNA, third party tools for DNA, Scandinavian patronymics, Japanese administrative districts, finding information in census records, and source for Scottish research. All in all, a great conference and many of these presentations are available online for future viewing.


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