RootsTech is a genealogy conference provided by FamilySearch March 2-4, 2023, in person in Salt Lake City, Utah, or virtually. According to the RootsTech website, “A family history conference. An on-demand learning library. A way to grow closer to the people, places, and stories that matter most. RootsTech is all that and so much more. Join us as we celebrate the joy of connection together.” The virtual version free, but the in person is not.

Why are we mentioning this conference? It is one of the largest genealogy conferences providing researchers with information and future developments in genealogy research. Classes are presented on different aspects in genealogy, companies discuss the latest technology innovations, and chat features to comment and connect with others.

We are planning on attending some of the virtual classes, and thought it would be interesting to talk about some of them. The first class that caught our eye is the “The Anatomy of a Story presented by Ancestry’s Crista Cowan. According to the description, “Making family history discoveries is one thing. Learning how to craft those discoveries into stories that will capture the attention of the next generation is another matter entirely. Come learn about the basic anatomy of family history stories that can withstand the test of time, and how you can craft and share your own.”

Another of interest is “Understanding British and European Cemeteries”. This presentation discusses “uncovering the meanings behind symbols, marks and details you may have missed. Discover burial laws, traditions and fashions as we better understand and appreciate over a thousand years of cemetery history.” “What Else You Can Try: Guided Research When Online Searches Fail” discusses the FamilySearch Wiki and how you can use it to find alternate records when you can’t locate the one you want.

There are many more topics available to view. Many can be viewed anytime during the three-day period. Check out the website to view class descriptions, speaker information, and syllables on some classes. Check out our posts on different topics to help you with your research.


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